How I migrated protogen to Blazor
How does Blazor works ? Part 2 : building
This blog post is based on net core sdk 3.0.100-preview5-011568, some stuff might change in the future.
How does Blazor works ? Part 1 : building class from .razor
I started this blog one year ago, I am proud to say that I published 22 blog posts, it’s one every 2.5 weeks, which is a bit under my first goal of one every 2 weeks, but it’s ok. I now have a bit less than 3000 visitors per month, I guess it’s not a lot, but it’s enough to keep me going.
Validate your Blazor form using the EditForm
How to configure a Blazor application
Most of the applications we build need some kind of configuration : connection string, production or not, api key … Client side app are not different, although what you’ll store in the configuration must be less sensible as the client will have access to it. In this blog post I’ll explain how I setup my Blazor project for accessing the different configuration needed in the different environment.